Extending Microsoft’s Azure Digital Twins for real-time analytics

As countless applications need to track live systems, developers face the challenge of implementing real-time analytics that can react to incoming telemetry and quickly identify problems or opportunities. Examples include telematics software that tracks vehicles in a fleet, security software monitoring physical points of entry or network endpoints in a cyber infrastructure, health-tracking systems that analyze telemetry from wearable devices, and many others. These applications are all...

App Store Connect now shows analytics for in-app events

Developers can now access analytics for in-app events through App Store Connect.

In-app events such as game competitions, movie premieres, and livestreamed experiences can be great ways of driving user engagement. Events can also be showcased in the App Store to help gain new users:

(Credit: Apple)

Measuring the effectiveness of an in-app event has been more difficult than it should be. Apple wants to fix that.

This week, Apple announced that developers can...

Will 2022 signal the death of the dashboard?

The UK is seen as a global leader in the driving and adoption of business intelligence and, traditionally, dashboards have been seen as the ‘holy grail’ of data visualisation. However, that sheen is slowly disappearing with organisations tired of spending time learning how to use technically complex programs and having staff spend the time deciphering what’s presented in a standalone dashboard instead of focusing on important business decisions. 

Why standalone...

Developers can now add real-time analytics to Azure Digital Twins

ScaleOut Software is extending its Digital Twin Streaming Service to add real-time analytics to Azure Digital Twins.

The company’s Digital Twin Streaming Service is used for deploying digital twins on a highly scalable, in-memory computing platform in the cloud.

Several real-time components have been added as part of the new integration with Azure Digital Twins. For example, rather than require the use of Azure’s serverless functions, the new extensions enable...

83% of developers suffer from burnout and pandemic made it worse


83% of software developers feel burnout from their work and 81% reported an increase in burnout as a result of the pandemic, according to a new study from Haystack Analytics.

The analytics firm has published its findings in a report designed to further understand the impact COVID-19’s disruption has had on developers.

Of those 83%, top reasons cited for burnout included 47% believing they had a high workload, 31% feeling processes in place at their companies are...

App Annie reveals the most popular SDKs following iOS 14.5’s release

Mobile data and analytics experts App Annie have shared the most popular SDKs following the release of iOS 14.5.

iOS 14.5 delivered significant new protections for user privacy which have drastically limited access to user-level data. A report from Flurry Analytics earlier this month discovered that 96 percent of iOS 14.5 users in the US are blocking ad tracking.

As to be expected, App Annie found that Apple’s own SDKs lead by unique iOS installs globally—taking the...