European iOS developers can begin testing alternative app stores 

Apple this week began implementing its controversial plans to comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), allowing developers to now submit alternative app stores and external apps via App Store Connect.

This development comes amid Apple's efforts to meet the DMA requirements by March 2024. With the deadline looming, Apple is taking proactive steps to enable developers to test their apps and marketplaces ahead of time.

In an update on its developer website, Apple...

Evinced’s accessibility testing solutions triple in adoption 

Evinced, a provider of web and mobile accessibility solutions, saw its customer base triple in 2023 on the back of new prevention-focused tools like Unit Tester and Design Assistant. These innovations allow developers and designers to automatically catch accessibility issues long before release, marking a shift for the industry toward prevention versus post-hoc fixes.

The company’s impressive expansion has cemented its status as a top accessibility vendor, counting 6 of the 10...

OpenText unveils next-gen cybersecurity auditing technology

OpenText has unveiled the second generation of its advanced cybersecurity auditing technology called Fortify Audit Assistant—aiming to help developers build more secure software amid rising threats and complexity in multi-cloud environments.

The key upgrade is the use of predictive analytics and machine learning to emulate human security auditors. By learning from 10 years of human expert data, the new Fortify Audit Assistant significantly improves accuracy and reduces false...

Unity launches XR app building tools for Apple’s Vision Pro

Unity has officially launched tools for visionOS, Apple's new operating system for its Vision Pro spatial computing headset. The support will allow developers to use Unity's development tools and workflow to build immersive experiences for the Vision Pro.

The announcement comes ahead of the Vision Pro headset's launch on 2 February 2024. Unity's templates, samples and resources will help developers tap into the headset's capabilities using Unity's PolySpatial technology to...

Google adds iOS and Android simulators to Project IDX

Google has added iOS and Android simulators directly within its cloud-based developer workspace, Project IDX. 

The search giant launched Project IDX six months ago as an experimental tool to streamline full-stack, multiplatform app development. It consolidates the complex workflows traditionally associated with building mobile and web apps into a single, collaborative environment.

Pasquale D’Silva, developer of the AI-powered content creation app Tanaki built with...

Metaplay debuts Unity-based SDK to help scale mobile games

Metaplay, known for its fully customisable backend for game development, has debuted a Unity-based SDK to help developers scale their mobile games.

Developed over four years in collaboration with top-tier game studios in Helsinki – including Metacore, Dodreams, and Nitro – the Metaplay SDK is designed to empower developers and studios in creating top-tier online mobile games that can scale as they grow.

Teemu Haila, Co-Founder and CPO at Metaplay, said: “Since...

GitHub rotates credentials following vulnerability discovery

GitHub has rotated encryption keys following the discovery of a vulnerability that could have enabled threat actors to steal credentials, the company revealed Tuesday.  

The Microsoft-owned firm said it first became aware of the high-severity security flaw tracked as CVE-2024-0200 on 26 December 2023. After investigating the issue and verifying there was no evidence it had been exploited in attacks, GitHub moved swiftly to rotate potentially exposed keys the same day as a...

Brave Search now answers coding queries

Brave Search has integrated a new AI feature called CodeLLM designed to provide high-quality answers to coding-related queries. 

CodeLLM summarises potential solutions located across the web and generates step-by-step explanations to common coding problems. It aims to save developers time by delivering concise and actionable responses without having to sift through dozens of search results.

The AI is powered by a large language model called Mixtral which can generate...

Apple releases Xcode 15.2 with Vision Pro support

Apple has released Xcode 15.2, a major update that paves the way for the upcoming Vision Pro headset set to hit the shelves on 2 February.

The new Xcode version introduces support for the Vision Pro headset through the integration of the visionOS SDK, opening up opportunities for developers to craft immersive visionOS apps tailored for this cutting-edge device.

With a focus on refining the visionOS experience, Apple's release notes indicate that Xcode 15.2 incorporates...

Leveraging PKI-Based Digital Certificates as Strategic Assets, Rather than Management Burdens

The procurement and management of digital certificates often constitutes a time-consuming manual process for IT and security teams. Trying to track the status and existence of all certificates with accuracy and timeliness can be an overwhelming task and burden. In order to fully realize the security value offered by certificates and their core technology, businesses can partner with trusted entities that can simplify and maximize the process.

Transforming digital certificates into...