2021 Stack Overflow Survey: React.js takes the web framework crown, Python is in-demand, and devs still love Rust

The 2021 edition of Stack Overflow’s developer survey features both substantial changes in the landscape while other elements have remained stubbornly resilient.

In a blog post, Stack Overflow’s Ben Popper and David Gibson wrote:

“This year’s survey was a little different than ones in years past. We opened our 2020 survey in February, and by the time we got around to publishing the results, the reality of work and daily life had shifted dramatically for people...

Q&A: Nicolas Hourcard, QuestDB: The advantages of a time-series database

Developers need higher performance databases to unlock the full potential of exciting but ever more data-hungry applications.

IDC forecasts that the global datasphere will grow from 45 zettabytes in 2019 to 175 zettabytes by 2025. Furthermore, the analysts expect that around 30 percent of the world’s data will need real-time processing.

"Today, more than five billion consumers interact with data every day — by 2025, that number will be six billion, or 75 percent of...