TIOBE: C++ overtakes Java in programming language popularity

According to the latest TIOBE Index, C++ has overtaken Java in programming language popularity.

The TIOBE Index uses searches across 25 different engines to calculate the popularity of Turing-complete languages. The methodology used for the index has regularly been criticised but it suffices as a rough guide.

Java has been a mainstay in the top three programming languages since the TIOBE Index launched in 2001. However, that impressive streak came to an end this...

Infrastructure automation: The full data journey from ingestion to insights

Remember when cloud was acclaimed as the simple solution to disentangling legacy IT infrastructure? Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), at last count, now has more than 225 products from which to choose, from the classic compute, database and storage; to containers and application integration; to IoT, machine learning and blockchain. Want any help? You can thumb through the Well-Architected Framework, but it might take a while. In spite of various...

Web3 projects lost over $2B to hacks in H1 2022

A report from CertiK finds that web3 projects lost over $2 billion to hacks in H1 2022—more than all of 2021 combined.

“2022 is already the most expensive year for web3 by far. From these numbers, 2022 is forecast to see a 223% increase in the funds lost to attacks when compared with 2021,” wrote CeriK in their report.

CertiK’s sobering report highlights the difficulties of an industry that pitches itself as returning to the decentralised ideals of web1 while...

ShiftLeft: Just 3% of app vulnerabilities are attackable

ShiftLeft, an innovator in automated application security testing, has released its second annual AppSec Progress Report documenting critical trends in application security and how organizations are shifting security left to deal with the ever-rising volume of attacks and disclosed vulnerabilities.

The report covers year-over-year trends and general findings analyzed from millions of scans last year using the ShiftLeft CORE platform across applications running numerous programming...

Web3: Ethereum leads in developers, falling behind in activity

According to a16z’s 2022 State of Crypto report, Ethereum is maintaining its lead in web3 developers but rivals are overtaking in activity.

The report opens with some history of the various web eras and why web3 has many people excited:

Web1 (~1990-2005) – Based on open protocols, decentralised, and community-governed. However, relatively basic in terms of functionality.Web2 (~2005-present) – Siloed, centralised services with value and content ownership granted to a...

Google’s Project Zero found over twice as many exploits in 2021

Project Zero, Google’s in-house team of experts tasked with finding zero-day exploits, reports that it found over twice as many in 2021.

According to the team’s annual report, it found a record 58 zero-day exploits in 2021. That’s over double the 25 it detected in 2020 and the previous record of 28 detected in 2015.

(Credit: Google)

While such a large uptick may cause alarm, Google puts a positive spin on the news.

“We believe the large...

These programming languages were most in-demand in 2021

Coding Dojo has released its annual review of the programming language skills most sought after from employers.

For its research, Coding Dojo scours jobs listing site Indeed. The company looks at what languages appear most in job descriptions and compares their prevalence with previous years to identify trends that could give you an advantage.

Python retained its lead in 2021 as the language which cropped up in the most (~70,500) job descriptions. Rounding out the top...

2022 Java Developer Productivity Report: Teams aren’t realising the promise of microservices

The latest edition of Perforce’s annual Java Developer Productivity Report highlights that teams aren’t realising the full promise of microservices and CI/CD.

Developers are often finding that microservices and CI/CD are decreasing their productivity rather than improving. 

Among CI/CD users, 42 percent of respondents report build completion times of over five minutes. The most common (33%) response was build times exceeding 10 minutes.

The highest...

State of Software Security v12: Don’t become complacent, but we’ve come a long way

Veracode’s latest State of Software Security report highlights that applications are, on average, more secure than ever.

Getting the negatives out the way first, the report warns about the devastating “domino effect” that one vulnerability can have on software across the globe.

One clear example of this in action was the SolarWinds attack in which hackers inserted malicious code into the company’s Orion software. Every company and organisation using Orion was...

GitHub releases analysis of relations between developers and security researchers

Relations between developers and security researchers is critical, but it’s no secret they’re often fraught.

GitHub first announced that it was expanding its research to more fully understand the relationship between developer and security research communities in December 2020. The initial analysis, conducted by GitHub Security Lab, has now been released.

For its debut analysis, Github focused on the vulnerability disclosure process—of which there is currently no...