Huawei aims for HarmonyOS to connect 300M devices this year

Huawei’s in-house operating system HarmonyOS is aiming to connect 300 million devices by the end of this year.

The OS claims to enable devices to connect and collaborate “in a single language” to deliver a seamless user experience. The concept can be likened to Microsoft’s ambitious Universal Windows Platform (UWP) which, though exciting, has struggled to gain traction.

Huawei’s universal platform effort may fare better than Microsoft’s thanks to support for...

Linus Torvalds wants an M1 Mac… but running Linux, obviously

Linux creator Linus Torvalds wants one of Apple’s first machines using in-house silicon—but running his open-source OS.

In a response to a Q&A in which a user asked Torvalds what he thought of Apple’s new laptop, Torvalds wrote:

“I'd absolutely love to have one, if it just ran Linux.. I have fairly fond memories of the 11" Macbook Air (I think 4,1) that I used about a decade ago (but moved away from because it took Apple too long to fix the screen - and by...

Developers aren’t happy with Apple’s surprise release of iOS 14

Turns out developers want more of a heads up before a major OS update is pushed to over one and a half billion users.

Apple’s event yesterday was focused on launching shiny new watches and tablets. The only major announcement for developers was the bombshell that iOS 14 is launching today:

Ok, so granted there’ve been eight public betas of iOS 14. Most developers probably knew a final release was imminent....