Python overtakes JavaScript as most queried language on Stack Overflow, new data shows

A new study from crowdsourced QA testers Global App Testing has explored developers’ biggest pain points, with Python dethroning JavaScript as Stack Overflow’s most questioned programming language.

The research focused on JavaScript, Python, R, Ruby, C#, C++, Java, Objective-C, Swift, PHP and SQL – not so much 11 languages but 10 languages and a database – and went through a...

Java and JavaScript continue to dominate enterprise development landscape

Java and JavaScript remain the dominant languages in the enterprise developer landscape – but with more agile ways of working coming to the fore, they certainly won’t be exclusive going forward.

That’s the verdict of the Cloud Foundry Foundation in its most recent report focusing on the top languages for enterprise application development.

10 essential resources for intermediate Java programmers

Java remains one of the most popular programming languages to learn, thanks to its long history and reputation for being easy to pick up yet difficult to master. After you get through the initial tutorials and become more comfortable in the language, finding out how to progress further can be difficult. This article is intended to help with that, offering ten useful resources that will help you further improve your skills and work your way to becoming an expert programmer. Let's...

Jakarta EE aiming to focus on cloud-native Java after developer consultation

What do enterprise developers want? A cloud-native Java, according to a new consultation from the Eclipse Foundation.

The study, which polled more than 1,800 Java developers – 44% of whom categorised themselves as senior developers with a further 24% as architects – put cloud-native as an ‘imperative’ for enterprise Java going forward.

‘Two critical gaps in Java EE are now top priorities for Jakarta EE’, the foundation notes – lest we...

Google helps developers clean up their code with Android KTX

Android KTX is Google’s attempt to make writing code for their platform in Kotlin easier and more concise.

Ever since Google announced first-party support for the Kotlin programming language, many developers have been experimenting with it. As expected, when developers are getting to grips with a new language, this has led to some messy code.

Kotlin itself is designed to be friendly and easy to pick up, especially when in comparison to Java. However, that doesn’t...

React knowledge ‘big opportunity’ for marketable developers, argues HackerRank

Organisations continue to look for expertise in JavaScript and Java above everything else – yet a skills gap is apparent when it comes to frameworks.

That is the key analysis from a new report by technical recruiter HackerRank. The report, titled the 2018 Developer Skills Report and which polled almost 40,000 developers, found React to have the biggest disparity; 19% of developers said they knew it, while 33% of companies require it.

The report argues that knowing React...

Stack Overflow report examines ‘brutal’ lifecycle of JavaScript frameworks

Developers on Stack Overflow continue to be more interested in jQuery than other JavaScript frameworks according to new data analysis – although adding the share for market voice as new frameworks come in is “brutal.” The report was released days after a three-part report from NPM, software registry and package manager for JavaScript, which argued jQuery ‘remains hugely popular but decreasingly so.’ Any cliché normally written about JavaScript frameworks and buses aside, the Stack...

React most popular front-end JavaScript framework with Preact fastest growing

According to figures from NPM, software registry and package manager for JavaScript, React remains by a distance the most popular front-end JavaScript framework, with Angular in second place.

The findings come from NPM’s State of JavaScript Frameworks 2017 report, with the first part assessing the front-end frameworks and the second examining the growth of the React ecosystem. As of the end of last year, the Facebook-curated React makes up approximately 0.05% of the 13 billion...

C named as TIOBE’s 2017 programming language of the year

Sometimes the old ones are the best ones: C has been named as TIOBE’s programming language of 2017, nine years after its most recent triumph.

The language remains at #2 in the January 2018 rankings, behind Java and ahead of C++ – with no change from January 2017’s index – but came out on top for language of the year because of its yearly growth of 1.69%. Runners up were Python (1.21% growth) and Erlang (0.98%).

TIOBE argues that the reason for C’s...

Android Studio 3.0 brings treats like Kotlin, Java 8, and Instant Apps

Google isn’t waiting for Halloween and has begun handing out the sweet treats early with the stable release of Android Studio 3. We first heard of Google’s intention to bake Kotlin support into Android Studio back in May during its annual IO developer conference. Fast-forward five months and Google is making good on its promise. Much like Swift is to iOS, Kotlin is to Android. The language’s development lead, Andrey Breslav, has said that Kotlin is designed to be an industrial-strength...