Stack Overflow enhances Microsoft Teams integration as hybrid working here to stay

Stack Overflow has announced enhanced integration with Microsoft Teams the same week a ‘Future of Work’ report highlights that hybrid working is here to stay.

Over the past six months alone, Stack Overflow says that it’s seen a 137 percent increase in Microsoft Teams usage among its Enterprise customers. With clear benefits and the future still uncertain, many businesses are increasing their support for hybrid working rather than roll back the progress they’ve made over...

Thomas Dohmke will be GitHub’s new CEO

Thomas Dohmke is taking over from Nat Friedman to become GitHub’s new CEO.

Dohmke co-founded HockeyApp – a service to help distribute beta versions of apps and get analytics and crash reports – in 2011, to solve some of his paint points as a developer.

He took this passion for solving pain points to GitHub in 2018 after leading Microsoft’s acquisition of GitHub alongside Friedman.

In a blog post, Dohmke wrote:

“Leading the home for all...

Apple puts its weight behind Blender as it becomes a “Patron”

Developers who use Blender for creating 3D models will be pleased to know Apple has put its weight behind the popular software.

Apple has joined the Blender Development Fund as a “Patron” which means the Cupertino giant will support the future success of the software.

In an announcement, The Blender Foundation said that Apple will also “provide engineering expertise and additional resources to the Blender HQ and development community to help support Blender artists...

Gitpod unveils OpenVSCode, a cloud-based IDE ‘free from Microsoft’s control’

Gitpod has unveiled OpenVSCode, an open-source project that makes the IDE accessible in the browser “free from Microsoft’s control”.

Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is free, open-source, and is one of the world’s most popular IDEs. VS Code supports the development of mobile, desktop, and web applications and games using languages including Python, C++, Node.JS, ASP.Net, and more.

A browser-based version of VS Code was launched as part of GitHub...

Travis CI flaw exposed thousands of open-source projects’ secrets

A flaw in popular software testing tool Travis CI exposed the secrets of thousands of open-source projects.

Travis CI is a hosted continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted on GitHub and Bitbucket.

For at least a week – between 3-10 Sept – open-source repos that used Travis CI had their keys, credentials, and tokens exposed.

Ethereum developer Felix Lange discovered a flaw with how Travis CI handled environmental...

Sonatype Lift uses deep code analysis to suggest bug fixes

Sonatype has launched a new deep code analysis platform called Lift which can detect a wide range of bug types.

Lift detects bugs ranging from style issues to complex coding errors commonly found in first-party source code and third-party open source libraries.

Research from Veracode last year found that open-source libraries cause security flaws in around 70 percent of apps. However, open-source libraries are often critical to projects.

Using a deep code...

Codecov breach prompts fears of another SolarWinds-style hack

A hack impacting software testing firm Codecov is expected to have resulted in hundreds of networks being compromised, prompting fears of a fallout similar to the recent SolarWinds attack.

Codecov has over 29,000 customers including companies such as IBM, Proctor & Gamble, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Atlassian, Washington Post, and GoDaddy. The potential scale of the attack has led to a federal investigation.

"We are aware of the claims and we are investigating...

GitHub ‘sincerely apologises’ to Jewish employee fired over Nazis remark

GitHub has issued a public apology directed at a Jewish employee who was fired after making remarks about Nazis.

Following the US Capitol attack from groups with known associations to Nazis and other white supremacists, the employee posted in an internal Slack channel: “Stay safe homies, Nazis are about."

A co-worker complained about the comment–-calling it “untasteful conduct” and not how to describe the rioters.

Speaking to TechCrunch under conditions...

GitHub is restored in Iran after US gov permits sanctions exemption

GitHub is fully-restored in Iran after the US government granted the Microsoft-owned firm an exception to sanctions.

“All developers should be free to use GitHub, no matter where they live,” wrote GitHub in a blog post.

“At the same time, GitHub respects and abides by US law, which means government sanctions have limited our ability to provide developers in some countries the full range of GitHub services.”

GitHub ceased most operations in North Korea,...

GitHub CLI 1.0 enables a full repo workflow from the terminal

GitHub CLI, a tool for bringing full repo functionality to your terminal, has reached its first stable version after a very successful beta.

“Developers spend a lot of time in their terminals, and our CLI helps to mitigate the frequent context switching between your terminal and,” says Amanda Pinsker, Product Designer at GitHub.

“Command-line tools enable developers to script nearly any action and automate their workflows, which in turn allows developers...