Tim Cook: Augmented reality can ‘bring people together’

Apple CEO Tim Cook has long been a proponent of augmented reality (AR) over virtual reality, arguing that AR has the potential to bring people together rather than isolate them.

In a recent profile with GQ, Cook reiterated his belief that overlaying the physical world with digital elements can enhance communication and connection between people. 

Cook emphasised that AR should be used to drop digital things into the real world rather than transport people to purely...

Tim Cook joins Ivanka Trump in suggesting unemployed Americans learn to code

Apple CEO Tim Cook has joined with Ivanka Trump in suggesting that learning to code may help the large number of Americans who’ve found themselves unemployed.

US jobless claims held steady around 1.3 million the week of July 11th, with increasing cases of COVID-19 in many states preventing the employment market rebounding quite as hoped. The US economy is down nearly 15 million jobs since February.

Ivanka Trump launched an initiative called ‘Find Something New’...