Google and Apple will block location access while using contact-tracing API

A contact-tracing API being developed by Google and Apple will block location access to prevent misuse.

The API, called ExposureNotification, is being provided to national health agencies to build contact-tracing functionality into their apps. It's hoped that contact-tracing apps will help societies to safely return to some degree of normality.

An initial version of the API was released last week. This week, new resources – including demo code and example UI assets –...

Study: Half of Americans don’t trust contact-tracing apps

A new study has found that half of Americans wouldn't trust a COVID-19 contact-tracing app.

Contact-tracing apps are being hailed as key to returning to some degree of normality. The apps use Bluetooth to keep track of everyone an individual passes in order to notify that circle if a COVID-19 diagnosis is made so they can isolate and get tested before spreading the virus further.

Naturally, there are concerns about the amount of data such apps could take about their...

Apple and Google improve contact-tracing solution following criticisms

Apple and Google have sought to improve their COVID-19 contact-tracing plans following criticisms from governments.

Contact-tracing apps are being hailed as key to returning to some degree of normality. The apps use Bluetooth to keep track of everyone an individual passes in order to notify that circle if a COVID-19 diagnosis is made so they can isolate and get tested before spreading the virus further.

Naturally, however, many governments are wary about putting the data...

France wants Apple to ‘lift the technical hurdle’ preventing iOS contact-tracing app

France claims iOS limitations are delaying the rollout of a national COVID-19 contact-tracing app and wants Apple to step in.

Apple and Google recently announced they're setting aside their differences to build an interoperable COVID-19 contact-tracing API. France, however, doesn't want to wait.

French authorities have reportedly built a contact-tracing app which they plan to deploy by May 11th. The developers appear to have had no issue with the Android version but...

Google and Apple’s COVID-19 contact-tracing tech is too private for the UK

Contact-tracing technology being developed by Google and Apple appears to be too private for the UK's health service.

While contact-tracing may face delays in the EU due to the bloc's strict regulations; it may not work at all in the UK because of the NHS' demands. 

British health secretary Matt Hancock recently hinted the NHS would use Google and Apple's technology and said:

“All data will be handled according to the highest ethical and security...

The EU’s strict rules may delay coronavirus contact-tracing apps

Contact-tracing apps helping to fight the coronavirus pandemic may be delayed in the EU due to the bloc's strict regulations.

With daily new infections, hospitalisations, and deaths beginning to decline in many countries, the conversation is now switching to how lockdown measures can be eased without causing a deadly resurgence. Contact-tracing apps are expected to be key in helping people return to some degree of normality.

Contact-tracing apps anonymously log all the...

Google and Apple will deploy COVID-19 contact-tracing as lockdowns begin lifting

Google and Apple have partnered up to develop interoperable contact-tracing that will deploy to Android and iOS devices over the coming months.

With the COVID-19 pandemic appearing to decline in many countries, or at least plateau, the conversation is now shifting towards how lockdowns can be safely lifted to avoid a “second wave” of the killer virus.

Contact-tracing apps log all the people a person passes in the street using Bluetooth. If that person is diagnosed...

Developers seek to build COVID-19 contact-tracing app compliant with EU’s strict GDPR

A consortium based in Switzerland is seeking to build a COVID-19 contact-tracing app compliant with the EU’s strict data protection regulation.

The EU’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) divides people into two camps. To some, the regulation offers citizens necessary protection against mass data collection. To others, GDPR is a hindrance that limits innovation and leads to startups establishing and offering their services in less strict regulatory...