OpenUK: UK maintains lead in European open-source contributions

Research from OpenUK finds the UK continues to lead in European open-source contributions—delivering up to a £43 billion boost to the economy.

OpenUK is a non-profit which aims to develop and sustain UK leadership in open-source software, hardware, and data.

The UK is one of the leading countries for open-source contributors with an estimated 126,000 developers lending their skills to global efforts.

Cheryl Hung, VP of Ecosystem at the Cloud Native Computing...

App Annie: Mobile app demand surging, gaming revenue set to surpass $120B

Research from App Annie reveals the extent of a surge in demand for mobile apps, driven predominately by gaming.

Mobile game revenue is expected to increase 20 percent this year to surpass $120 billion.

A year into a pandemic, it’s of little surprise to hear that consumption of any form of entertainment has increased—but such a year-on-year increase continues to be staggering given the existing size of the industry.

For comparison, global mobile game...