Apple and Epic Games ask appeals court to reconsider antitrust case ruling

Apple and Epic Games have requested that an appeals court reconsiders its ruling in the pair’s spat over App Store practices.

The ruling, which upheld a previous order from a California federal court, was the result of a lawsuit Epic Games filed against Apple.

Epic Games accused Apple of imposing unfair requirements on software developers, including high commissions on in-app purchases. 

While the trial judge determined that Apple did not violate US...

App Annie: Mobile app demand surging, gaming revenue set to surpass $120B

Research from App Annie reveals the extent of a surge in demand for mobile apps, driven predominately by gaming.

Mobile game revenue is expected to increase 20 percent this year to surpass $120 billion.

A year into a pandemic, it’s of little surprise to hear that consumption of any form of entertainment has increased—but such a year-on-year increase continues to be staggering given the existing size of the industry.

For comparison, global mobile game...

Developers aren’t happy with Apple’s surprise release of iOS 14

Turns out developers want more of a heads up before a major OS update is pushed to over one and a half billion users.

Apple’s event yesterday was focused on launching shiny new watches and tablets. The only major announcement for developers was the bombshell that iOS 14 is launching today:

Ok, so granted there’ve been eight public betas of iOS 14. Most developers probably knew a final release was imminent....

Huawei’s replacement for Google Mobile Services is coming along nicely

huawei android google alternative hms 5 huawei mobile services

Building a replacement to Google Mobile Services (GMS) is a gargantuan task, but Huawei is doing a rather good job.

US sanctions, as they stand, means that Huawei will no longer have access to American hardware and software going forward.

The hardware side presents challenges, but Huawei already makes important components like chipsets in-house (and they're impressive, too.)

Losing access to Google's services and having to build an ecosystem which competes with...